Nursery & Preschool Parents' Guide

Thank you for the trust you are showing us by letting us serve your children in our Nursery and Preschool ministry. We take this responsibility seriously and want you to know what we are doing to make their time with us fun and safe, and how we try to point them to Jesus. If you have any questions about our Midtown Kids ministry, please feel free to ask the pastor or nursery staff.

Check in and Check out

Each child needs to be checked-in using our electronic system every Sunday. Check-in begins at 4:45 p.m. at the Nursery. Once you check in, you and your child will be given matching identification tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear his or her name tag, which bears a code matched to your security tag that is needed to pick up your child after service. Please come as soon as possible after the service to pick your child up. This will make serving much better for our volunteers.


Once they are checked in, the children will play, sing songs and hear Bible stories about the love of Jesus in a safe and caring environment. We use the Dwell curriculum, which approaches the whole Bible in a way that ignites the imagination and engages kids on a deeper level, breaking through their busy minds and producing moments of awe. Kids can learn that God's story is still going on today and that they can be a part of that story in meaningful ways. They'll learn to find their place in God's ongoing mission of renewal and redemption.

Staff and volunteers

Our Nursery Director oversees a team of volunteers from the congregation. All of our staff and volunteers have passed background checks, and our staff and leaders have had safety training through Stewards of Children.

Medical/Allergy Issues

To ensure good health to everyone, children with colds, colored runny noses, fevers, rashes, or other symptoms of illness are not permitted into the nursery. If your child has any allergies or special conditions, please explain them to the staff member or volunteer in the nursery. For allergies, make sure that a note about the allergy has been made in the child’s check-in so that it will be reflected on your child’s name tag.

First Aid & Incident Reports

Minor injuries are treated with an ice pack and a Band-Aid. These are the only items we are allowed to dispense.

Relationship with VCC

Since we are renters at Vineyard Christian Community, we enjoy the benefits and limitations of their nursery space. They are very generous and helpful to us, so if you see something that needs attention please mention it to our nursery staff.

Safety rules for time with children:

Never be alone with a child—always be where you can be seen by another adult.

Never touch a child in a questionable way during discipline or any other time. No form of physical discipline is acceptable.

Bathroom assistance: Only female volunteers are allowed to assist a child. Only staff or the parent of a child may change diapers.

Immediately report any behavior that appears inappropriate or any concern about abuse to the nursery staff or the pastor. Any report of inappropriate behaviors or suspicions of abuse will be taken seriously. Midtown Church leadership will take appropriate action on behalf of the church when a report of abuse occurs in accordance with our church’s policy and state law.

Tips For Parents

Parents are encouraged to take their toilet-trained child to the restroom prior to dropping him/her off in class.It is common for babies to cry immediately after getting dropped off, but they usually calm down. We will text you if your child does not calm down within 15 minutes.

Label all of your child’s belongings, including diaper bag, bottles, cups, etc.

You can inform the nursery caregiver of any special instructions, feeding needs, potty training, etc.

Bring a water bottle for your child to use.

We won’t have food in the Nursery except for babies’ bottles that you provide.